Passing time in public place

You’re not alone

Recently I’m thinking about what would or could I do if I were to live without my mobile phone. Just pictured it for a while, my mind was telling me “No… That’s definitely not going to happen…”


Image source: Alan Stanton

This phenomenon of “Nomophobia” which we cannot live without phone has made me gone mad. Mobile phone has become part of my “soul”. It is my best friend when it comes to public place, especially having time alone. It acts as an equipment to pretend me from lonely and secures me whenever I am by myself. I would play my apps or using it to watch videos online. I used to scroll my Facebook newsfeed while doing shopping. Because of too rely on it, it has made me a habit of checking whether my phone is with me every time, even though I am not using it.


Image source: Gerda

I find that we are already used to looking at digital screens. If there is no television or digital screens around, we somehow tend to find one to look at, like our own smart phone or tablets. “Fomophobia” recall me of the situation every time having gathering in a coffee shop or restaurant with friends. After having several words with each other, suddenly all taking out their smart phones and start swapping their screens. We still have one common interaction though, which is taking selfies together. Other than that, they would just back to their Facebook and Instagram, which I have seen the most. I was like, “Hello, you’re not alone, can you guys see me and each other or not?” And then I took out mine (awkward ==ll).


Image source: abbyladybug

The technology only promotes one side of it, which it provides public interactivity and engages us from all around the world. Now, we are highly dependent and emotionally attached to them in order to engage with other people, but it disconnected relationship around us. We rather face our phones than talk to people around us.

For those who concern about the issue may take a look at this research: How Do Mobile Phones Affect Intergenerational Awareness and Connection in Public Spaces?  


Click to access eips2013_Harley.pdf

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